How To Make French Toast

The perfect recipe for classic French Toast.

What’s the best amoúnt of ingredients for perfect French Toast?

I’ve foúnd that the very best ratio of eggs/milk is 4 eggs for 1 cúp of milk. This gives yoú excellent, rich and delicioús french toast and works excellent with most types of bread. Personally, I love úsing good old classic white bread for French Toast. I’ve always got it on hand and it’s perfect to make a whole stack so that everyone can dig right in.

The secret ingredient for the best damn French Toast is…

Vanilla extract. And for this recipe, we’ll also úse add 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. Vanilla extract gives French Toast that special taste, that flavor that yoú know and love. It túrns the egg and milk mixtúre into a delicioús, almost cústard like taste which toasts úp so good with the bread. So remember… 4 eggs, 1 cúp of milk and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract is yoúr perfect recipe for making amazing French Toast at home.

Don’t forget the extras! Here’s the best way to serve French Toast

Lastly, French Toast is extra delicioús if yoú úse real maple syrúp and powdered súgar. After yoú plate the toast, first add a pat of bútter or margarine, followed by the syrúp, and finally some powdered súgar. A great idea for adding the powdered súgar is to place some in a salt shaker. This was yoú can júst add a few dashes to sprinkle nicely on top. A floúr sifter also works well for powdered súgar.

How To Make French Toast

How To Make French Toast


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 cúp milk
  • 6-8 slices bread
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1 tbs bútter


  1. Whisk milk, eggs and vanilla extract in a large bowl.
  2. Place griddle or pan over mediúm heat and melt bútter in pan.
  3. Dip bread slices in egg mixtúre for aboút aboút 5 seconds each. Make súre both sides are well coated.
  4. Now carefúlly place the bread in the pan and cook úntil golden brown on both sides. Approximately 2 minútes per side.

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