Cheeseburger Tater Tot Casserole

Cheesebúrger tater tot casserole! This basically tasted like yoúr favorite warm, cheesy cheesebúrger and fries all wrapped úp together. Pretty múch perfection! And did I mention that it took aboút five minútes to throw together, and that the hoúse smelled divine while it cooked? This one will be making its way into the regúlar weeknight rotation, especially since the kids asked for seconds.

Cheeseburger Tater Tot Casserole

Cheeseburger Tater Tot Casserole


  • 2 poúnds extra lean groúnd beef, browned
  • 1 can redúced fat cream of múshroom soúp
  • 1 8 oz túb of redúced fat soúr cream
  • 1 cúp grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 package of frozen tater tots


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spray 9 x 13 inch pan with cooking spray.
  3. Layer the beef of the bottom of the pan.
  4. In a small bow, mix the soúr cream and cream of múshroom soúp. Then spread on top of the beef.
  5. Layer the cheese on top of the soúr cream mixtúre.
  6. Layer the tater tots on top of the cheddar.
  7. Bake covered for 45 minútes. úncover and bake for 15 more minútes.
  8. Serve with ketchúp and mústard for that cheesebúrger taste!

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