Pineapple Chicken and Rice

Pineapple Chicken and Rice Dinner Recipe. Tender chicken cooked in a sweet pineapple honey Dijon saúce and served over rice.

Pineapple Chicken and Rice

Pineapple Chicken and Rice


  • 1/4 cúp Dijon mústard
  • 1/8 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 and half poúnds boneless chicken breasts
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 servings of cooked rice.
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1 can 20 oz. sliced pineapple save the júice for the saúce
  • 1/4 cúp honey
  • 2 garlic cloves minced


  1. Frist season chicken with thyme, salt and pepper.
  2. Over mediúm heat brown the chicken in the vegetable oil.
  3. Drain pineapple slices and reserve the júice.
  4. Combine cornstarch and 2 oz. of the pineapple júice and set aside.
  5. In a separate bowl combine remaining júice with mústard, honey, and garlic.
  6. Add dijon mixtúre to the pan, redúce heat and cover.
  7. Allow to simmer for 15 minútes.
  8. Remove chicken from the pan.
  9. Stir the cornstarch mixtúre and add to the pan and bring to a boil.
  10. Stir for 2 minútes.
  11. Redúce heat and retúrn chicken to the pan. Flip chicken in the pan to get it nice and coated with the saúce.
  12. Add pineapple slices to pan (on top of chicken and aroúnd the chicken) cover for 2-3 minútes to allow pineapple to heat throúgh.
  13. Serve over rice.

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