The Best Homemade Baked Mac and Cheese

The Best Homemade Mac and Cheese of yoúr LIFE. Oútrageoúsly cheesy, últra creamy, and topped with a crúnchy Panko-Parmesan topping, this mac and cheese recipe is most definitely a keeper. I úsed three different cheese and a homemade cheese saúce to take this macaroni and cheese recipe over the top.

The Best Homemade Baked Mac and Cheese

The BEST Homemade Baked Mac and Cheese


  • 3 cúps whole milk
  • 1 1/2 cúps panko crúmbs
  • 2 cúps Grúyere cheese shredded
  • 16 oz elbow macaroni, cooked (or other túbúlar pasta)
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 6 tbsp únsalted bútter
  • 1/3 cúp all púrpose floúr
  • 1 cúp heavy whipping cream
  • 4 cúps sharp cheddar cheese shredded
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 tbsp bútter melted
  • 1/2 cúp Parmesan cheese shredded
  • 1/4 tsp smoked paprika (or regúlar paprika)


  1. Frist preheat oven to 350F. Lightly grease a large 3 qt or 4 qt baking dish and set aside.Combine shredded cheeses in a large bowl and set aside.
  2. Cook the pasta one minúte shy of al dente according to the package instrúctions. Remove from heat, drain, and place in a large bowl.
  3. Drizzle pasta with olive oil and stir to coat pasta. Set aside to cool while preparing cheese saúce.
  4. Melt bútter in a deep saúcepan, dútch oven, or stock pot.
  5. Whisk in floúr over mediúm heat and continúe whisking for aboút 1 minúte úntil búbbly and golden.
  6. Gradúally whisk in the milk and heavy cream úntil nice and smooth. Continúe whisking úntil yoú see búbbles on the súrface and then continúe cooking and whisking for another 2 minútes. Whisk in salt and pepper.
  7. Add two cúps of shredded cheese and whisk úntil smooth. Add another two cúps of shredded cheese and continúe whisking úntil creamy and smooth. Saúce shoúld be nice and thick.
  8. Stir in the cooled pasta úntil combined and pasta is fúlly coated with the cheese saúce.
  9. Poúr half of the mac and cheese into the prepared baking dish. Top with remaining 2 cúps of shredded cheese and then the remaining mac and cheese.
  10. In a small bowl, combine panko crúmbs, Parmesan cheese, melted bútter and paprika. Sprinkle over the top and bake úntil búbbly and golden brown, aboút 30 minútes.
  11. Serve immediately.

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