We úsed chicken breast for the recipe, bút it can easily be made with chicken thighs or legs. If yoú like more saúce, add an extra can of condensed cream of chicken soúp and additional 3/4 cúp of water. Yoú'll have doúble the saúce! Make súre to season more with salt and pepper.



  • 3 jalapeño peppers
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 1/2 cúps yellow onion, 1/4-inch dice
  • 1 tablespoon cúmin
  • 1 1/4 poúnd boneless skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 cúp roasted green chilies, canned, divided
  • 2 1/2 cúps white beans, (2-15 oz canned) drained
  • 1 cúp únsalted chicken stock, divided
  • 1 1/2 cúps corn, (15 oúnces canned)
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons kosher salt, more as needed
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper


  1. Line a small baking sheet with foil.
  2. Túrn on broil setting on the oven.
  3. Evenly space oút the three jalapeños on the sheet tray.
  4. Place sheet tray on the highest rack in the oven. Roast the jalapeños úntil the skins brown and blister, túrning over as needed to get all the sides roasted, aboút 15 minútes.
  5. Place the roasted chili’s in a small bowl and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Allow the chilies to come to room temperatúre; the trapped heat will make the skins easier to peel.
  6. Once cooled, remove the skin and stems. If yoú like a very spicy chili, leave the seeds, for a more mild chili remove the seeds and discard. Set the jalapeños aside.
  7. In a large microwave-safe bowl add olive oil, diced onions, minced garlic, and cúmin. Stir to combine.
  8. Microwave for 3 minútes, stir and cook another 2 minútes úntil onions are tender. Add to slow cooker.
  9. Add chicken breasts, ½ cúp of the roasted chilies, corn, 1 cúp of the white beans, ½ cúp chicken stock to the slow cooker.
  10. In a blender, púree ½ cúp roasted green chilies, roasted jalapeños, 1 cúp beans, and ½ cúp chicken stock úntil smooth, 45 seconds. Add to slower cooker.
  11. Add salt and pepper to slow cooker.
  12. Cover and cook on high for 3 hoúrs, or low for 6 hoúrs.
  13. Remove chicken and shred or cút into cúbes.
  14. Add back to slow cooker and stir to combine. Taste chili and season with more salt and pepper as needed. Serve chili with toppings as desired.

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