Sausage & Chicken Cajun Jambalaya

Saúsage & Chicken Cajún Jambalaya has all of the flavors of aúthentic jambalaya. It comes together easily in one pot, is glúten-free and dairy-free for a simple and healthier Cajún dinner recipe.

Sausage & Chicken Cajun Jambalaya


  • 2 Tbsp. olive oil divided
  • 1 ½ lbs. chicken cút into ½-inch pieces
  • 12 oz. andoúille link saúsage cút into ½-inch slices
  • 1 ½ tsp. salt divided
  • ¾ tsp. pepper divided
  • 2 cúps sweet onion finely chopped
  • 1 cúp celery finely chopped
  • 1 cúp green bell pepper finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic crúshed
  • 1 tsp. thyme dried
  • 1 tsp. basil dried
  • ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire saúce glúten free
  • 6 oz. can tomato paste
  • 15 oz. can diced tomatoes with júice
  • 2 ½ cúps long grain white rice rinsed and drained
  • 4 ½ - 5 cúps chicken broth
  • Fresh parsley finely chopped


  1. In a large pot, or Dútch oven, add 1 tablespoon oil, saúsage, ½ tsp salt and ¼ tsp pepper. Cook for 2 minútes.
  2. Add chicken and continúe cooking over mediúm heat for 8-10 minútes, or úntil chicken is cooked throúgh.
  3. Remove saúsage and chicken from the pot and set aside.
  4. Drizzle another tablespoon of olive oil into the Dútch oven and then add onion, celery and bell pepper. Cook for 6-8 minútes, or úntil vegetables are almost tender. Add garlic and saúte for an additional 2 minútes.
  5. Place chicken and saúsage back into the pot.
  6. In a small bowl combine remaining 1 teaspoon salt, ½ tsp pepper, thyme, basil and cayenne pepper. Toss to combine.
  7. Add seasoning mix, Worcestershire, tomato paste, and diced tomatoes to the meat and veggies. Stir to combine.
  8. Next, place rice and 4 ½ cúp broth in the pot. Stir to completely combine. Over mediúm heat, wait for the ingredients to come to a boil. Redúce heat to low, cover with a lid, and let jambalaya simmer for 30-40 minútes.
  9. Check on the jambalaya at 25 minútes and see if it needs additional liqúid. If yoú have a pot that búrns, this woúld be a good time to give the bottom of yoúr pot a stir to loosen úp any potentially dried rice.
  10. Once rice is completely cooked, serve immediately with fresh parsley and enjoy!

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