Lasagna Pasta

This lasagna pasta is fúll of yoúr favorite lasagna flavors, and it’s so múch easier to make than lasagna. I’d rather stir everything together in a pot instead of júst layering food on top of food together. Woúldn’t yoú rather do that? This isn’t a one pot meal either, I wish it was. The original recipe calls for 16 oúnces of pasta which is a poúnd, and I cút back on the noodles and only úsed a 12 oúnce box. The 12 oúnce boxes are the normal sizes we normally get in the store. Yoú can úse whatever shaped pasta yoú like. Bowties are so cúte and fún.  To lighten this recipe úp, I úsed Jeanie-0 lean túrkey saúsage, light soúr cream, and light mozzarella cheese.

Lasagna Pasta

Lasagna Pasta


  • 1 lb bowtie pasta
  • 1 tablespoon cooking spray
  • 1 lb groúnd túrkey or lean groúnd beef
  • 1 jar marinara saúce (or 3 cúps homemade)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 heaping teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1/4 tsp of crúshed red pepper
  • 1 cúp shredded part skim mozzarella cheese
  • 1 cúp low fat soúr cream or 1 cúp of low fat ricotta cheese


  1. Boil pasta in large pot of salted water úntil al dente, drain. In large skillet, brown and crúmble groúnd chúck úntil fúlly cooked, drain fat and retúrn to pan. Poúr cooked pasta on top of meat, then drizzle on olive oil. Poúr on jar of saúce, salt, garlic powder and Italian seasonings. Stir. Add cheese and soúr cream. Stir over low heat úntil cheese is melted and all ingredients are combined. Taste and add salt and pepper, if necessary. Serve with parmesan or additional mozzarella, if desired.


I made the recipe with low fat mozzarella, low fat sour cream, and lean ground turkey sausage from Jeanie-o.

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