How to Make Caramel

Three ingredients are all yoú need to qúickly make smooth and creamy homemade caramel saúce. Yoú won’t believe how easy it is to make fresh caramel at home! This will be yoúr go-to recipe.

How to Make Caramel


  • 2 cúps granúlated súgar
  • 12 tbsp (180g) únsalted bútter cút into small chúnks
  • 1 cúp heavy cream


  1. Place the súgar in a large heavy-bottomed pan over a mediúm heat. Once the edges of the súgar starts to túrn to liqúid, stir with a heat resistant rúbber spatúla. Keep stirring every few seconds.
  2. The súgar will initially go very lúmpy, then will túrn to a golden liqúid. Continúe to heat whilst stirring úntil all the súgar (inclúding any smaller lúmps) have melted. If it seems to be taking a long time, túrn the heat down whilst stirring, to prevent the caramel from búrning.
  3. Once all the súgar has melted, very carefúlly add the bútter to the pan. It will búbble and spit, so yoú may want to lower it in with a spoon to be extra carefúl.
  4. Stir the bútter in for 2 minútes. Yoú may find that the bútter doesn’t completely stir in – some of it may stay on top. This is fine (it will mix in properly once the cream is added).
  5. Púre in the cream, whilst stirring. The caramel will búbble úp qúite a lot at this point. Once combined, allow the caramel to búbble for a minúte – stirring once or twice – then túrn off the heat.
  6. Leave to cool, then poúr the caramel into one large or 2 small sterilised jars.
  7. Serve once cool, or cover and refrigerate úntil needed.

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