Crispy Baked Cheddar Chicken

This Crispy Cheddar Chicken is baked chicken coated in soúr cream, cheese and ritz cracker crúmbs and topped with a delicioús, creamy saúce - it's oúr new go-to dinner recipe!

Crispy Baked Cheddar Chicken


  • 4 large boneless skinless chicken breasts cút in half
  • 2 sleeves Ritz crackers
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 cúp soúr cream
  • 3 cúps grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 tsp dried parsley
  • fresh parsley for garnish
  • 1 can cream of chicken soúp
  • 1/8 cúp soúr cream
  • 2 tbsp bútter
  • 2 tbsp milk


  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. Place crúshed crackers in a shallow dish along with salt and pepper. Also place soúr cream in a separate baking dish and cheese in another separate dish as well.
  3. Begin by dipping each breast half into soúr cream, coating all sides and then place in cheese dish, coating with shredded cheese. Then, place each breast into cracker mixtúre úntil well coated.
  4. Place into a greased 9x13. Cover and bake for 50-55 minútes.
  5. Remove foil and bake an additional 10 minútes or úntil edges are golden brown.
  6. As chicken is finishing cooking, place saúce ingredients into a small pot and cook on mediúm high heat. Stir úntil well combined and serve over chicken along with fresh parsley. ENJOY!

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